July 18, 2006

His umbilical cord stub fell off today. Now he just has a cute little belly button. :)

He now weighs 5 pounds 6 ounces, so I guess it wasn't just a big poop he was holding on to.

Otherwise he is just still plugging along. He is still taking some food by bottle, but no more increases as of yet. He was very fussy after his 6:00p feeding, but settled right down when Gretchen started holding him. Guess he just needed his mother's touch.

Forgot to mention, the power went out at home twice today. The first time was around 4:30p. Of course Gretchen had just started pumping when it happened, so she wasn't able to finish. It was out for about 45 minutes. We just wound up going to the hospital a little early so she could finish pumping.

The second time was around 11:30p. Again, Gretchen was just getting ready to pump when it went out. This time we just decided to go to bed and she would pump when the power came back on. Which it did about 90 minutes later.

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