July 20, 2006

Well, the power went out yet again. This time it was around 4:15a, and was out for about 75 minutes. Gretchen was planning on pumping at 5:00a, but had woken up at around 3:00a and decided to do it then. Good things she made that choice.

Michael is now 5 pounds 10+ ounces. Pretty soon he'll be outgrowing all of these premie diapers we got. At least we only have one pack. We'll see if he fits any of the premie clothes we have.

He has been spitting up fairly frequently in the morning, so they raised the head of his bed a little to see if that helps. Though, even with spitting up, he is still doing a pretty good job with the weight gain. We have noticed that he is starting to fill our as well. His cheeks are getting a little puffier, and his hands and feet are chubbing up a bit.

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