NICU Halloween Reunion

The NICU at CDH hosts reunions throughout the year as a way to keep in contact with the patients that have passed through. This first one for Michael, out only 10 weeks, was their Halloween party. Since it was for Halloween, we needed to come up with a costume for Michael. Several weeks ago I had noticed that Michael's red bib was just right for a cape, he has flown around the room many times after feedings. All we needed to do was download the Superman "S" and get some iron-on transfers. Then just pick out one of his outfits to convert. We think it turned out pretty well.

The party itself was rather overwhelming. Lots of people and noise, but somehow Michael managed to sleep through part of it. Probably just a coping mechanism. We did pay the price for the excitement later though. He has a tendency to have a hard time at night when he's had a very active day, so it took him much longer to settle down for bed than usual. Even though once we got home he showed no signs of any lingering issues.

He did give us his longest sleep yet. Over six hours of actual sleep, with over eight hours between feedings. Maybe we need to do that every day?

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