2007, January

We are in the new year, and Michael has passed his six month birthday. He is now an ounce shy of 17 pounds and 27 inches long. This puts him at almost the 75th percentile in length and almost the 50th percentile in weight for his actual age. So he has definitely caught up from his prematurity.

Though he has caught up in physical growth, he seems to be between 2 and 3 weeks "behind" developmentally. Since all of the developmental milestones are very soft dates, we are thinking that he is pretty much on target. And he seems to be ahead of the game when his adjusted age is taken into account.

All in all, he is just a joy to be around. These past few weeks have been a blast, just watching his mind racing, trying to figure out each new challenge. First it was how to grab things. Then how to get them to his mouth, and so on. Each step along the way you can see the wheels inside his head churning away. You can tell that he know what he wants to do with his hand, but he's still not quite sure how to get it to do what he wants. So he'll just sit and stare intently at his had and the object, just trying to will one of them to do what he wants. When he's staring intently like that, I'm just waiting for his toy to move instead of his hand. He is concentrating so hard, that I'm just sure he's close to developing telepathy. Maybe next week.

On January 15th he rolled over. And over. And over. Finally a repeatable event. He had rolled over on other days, but it always seemed to take him by surprise. now he seems to almost be able to do it on command. Especially if his right arm would pay attention. Guess it's time to take the next step in baby-proofing the house.

We are at the doorstep of the stage where he will be doing something new every day. I'm sure of it. Time has already flown by so quickly (six months already?), and now he has just kicked on the after-burners. I sure hope we can keep up with all of his changes. I'd sure hate to miss something new, only to have it hit me weeks (or even days) later that he has been doing this new trick for a while now. He's definitely keeping us on our toes, looking for every new stunt he does. Gotta love it.

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